Dan Havlik

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Dan Havlik  |  Feb 14, 2019  |  0 comments

One of the easiest but most expensive ways to get your portrait subject to stand out from a background is to use a fast lens, with a maximum aperture of F/1.4, F/1.2 or even wider. Those types of lenses though are pricey and sometimes don’t do the trick, especially if you’re shooting portraits with a crowded scene of people behind them.

Dan Havlik  |  Jul 13, 2020  |  2 comments

Have you ever wanted to turn an old black-and-white photo into a modern-looking colorized image? Seem like it would be tough to do in Photoshop or might end up looking cheesy, right?

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 12, 2014  |  0 comments

While the biennial photokina show in Cologne, Germany is primarily known as the premiere place to unveil new photography gear, it’s also offering a number of educational events, networking services, and lectures for professional photographers this year.

Dan Havlik  |  Jun 02, 2016  |  1 comments

Photographer Simon Bruty first came to Zambia in southern Africa in 1993 on assignment for Sports Illustrated. The story, unfortunately, was a sad one.

Dan Havlik  |  May 03, 2018  |  0 comments

One the most fun things I’ve ever done was to photograph the 24 Hours of Le Mans car race in France. Of course, I was shooting it as an amateur with very limited access to the track, the cars, and the pits. And I did go back to the hotel to catch a little sleep at one point. (But it was still fun nonetheless and I got some great shots.)

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 26, 2014  |  0 comments

Let say you have 50 Canon EOS-1D X professional digital SLRs lying around, and are looking for something to do with them. Here’s a fun idea: create a stunning bullet-time shot that appears to freeze the action, and then somersaults 360 degrees over your subject for an out-of-this-world effect.

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 03, 2018  |  0 comments

Is having an expensive camera really that important for capturing great photos? That’s the question the intriguing new video below from photographer Pierre T. Lambert hopes to answer.

Dan Havlik  |  Jul 23, 2015  |  0 comments

If you’ve ever flown a drone, you know these flying eggbeaters are prone to crashing…sometimes in very hard-to-reach locations.

Dan Havlik  |  Jan 29, 2015  |  0 comments

Have you ever wondered what a digital SLR’s fast-firing shutter looks like slowed down? Well, "The Slow Mo Guys" have done just that while filming the inside of a Canon DSLR with a high-speed video camera.

Dan Havlik  |  Apr 13, 2015  |  0 comments

We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: it’s not nice to buzz wildlife with aerial drones. In the latest incident of “when animals attack drones,” a chimpanzee at the Royal Burgers’ Zoo in the Netherlands can be seen swatting a pesky drone out of the air with a big stick in the below video.
