Dan Havlik

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Dan Havlik  |  Aug 05, 2019  |  0 comments

Capturing unique street photos can be tricky business partially because your first instinct as a photographer might be to "get the shot" and then move on so as not to attract too much attention. But what if your initial street photography angle isn't actually the best one?

Dan Havlik  |  Jul 08, 2020  |  0 comments

We love it when pro photographers recommend their favorite gear because nothing beats having an expert opinion. In the below video, long-time portrait photographer Miguel Quiles who runs a popular YouTube channel, shares what he says is the best background for portrait photography.

Dan Havlik  |  Oct 21, 2020  |  0 comments

We've shared tips on how to photograph waterfalls previously, but we've never had such specific waterfall photography how-to as the one below from landscape photographer Mark Denney. In the tutorial, Denney shares what he says is the best shutter speed to use for photographing waterfalls and seascapes.

Dan Havlik  |  Dec 02, 2020  |  0 comments

Most photographers probably think they know their cameras pretty well at this point. So why then do our photos come out, shall we say, less than sharp sometimes?

Dan Havlik  |  Feb 25, 2019  |  0 comments

Pierre T. Lambert has a secret that every beginning photographer needs to know. That 18-55mm kit lens that came with your camera? It’s really pretty slow and mediocre and if you want to start taking better photos, you should get a fast, prime lens immediately.

Dan Havlik  |  Sep 17, 2020  |  0 comments

There are lots of photo filters you can use for landscape photography, but landscape pro Mark Denney thinks there's only one that qualifies as a "must have" filter to bring with you out in the field.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 18, 2020  |  0 comments

One of the most important decisions a photographer makes when setting up his or her gear is which lens to choose. While, of course, you can always change lenses later if you have an interchangeable lens camera such as a DSLR or mirrorless system, but that can take additional time and you might miss your shot.

Dan Havlik  |  Oct 30, 2020  |  0 comments

We all know that lighting can make or break a portrait photo. But you might not realize how crucial lighting really is to portrait photography until you watch the below video from Sawyer Hartman.

Dan Havlik  |  Jul 15, 2020  |  0 comments

Everyone always talks about "the rule of thirds" being the key to composing a compelling image. And yes, it is a helpful tool to get you out of the boring photo rut. But what if there was something different and more effective to help with appealing photo composition?

Dan Havlik  |  Apr 27, 2015  |  0 comments

Massive, exotic telephoto lenses are always fun to imagine shooting with and here’s one giant piece of glass that’s actually designed to capture rockets launches. According to the seller on eBay, the Jonel 100 2540mm F/8 Mirror Lens was used for capturing Saturn V and other similar rockets as they were launched into space.
