Watch This Fascinating Street Photography Video with Street Photos for Every Year from 1838-2019
If you have any interest in the history of street photography – or just street photography in general – the below video should be right up your alley. A compilation of street photography and music over the years, the clip shows a street photo for every year from 1838 to 2019.
Why start in 1838? Because that was the year the first photograph of people in a street was captured by Louis-Jacques Mandé Daguerre. The image was one of two "daguerreotypes" recorded from Daguerre's studio window of the Boulevard du Temple in Paris. Many consider this to be the moment street photography was born.
The video, which runs a healthy twenty minutes and includes songs from "My Old Kentucky Home (1852)" to more modern music, was put together by Guy Jones.
Also, definitely worth watching for street photography buffs, is the landmark documentary "Everybody Street," which you can view for free on YouTube.
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