Photoshop How To

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Ron Leach  |  Apr 12, 2024  |  0 comments

Most photographers want to finish up processing their photos as quickly as possible so that they can get back out in the field with a camera doing what they love most. This tutorial  from the Focus Photo School will help send you on your way, without sacrificing the quality of the adjustments you make.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 19, 2024  |  0 comments

Ugly Dust Spots can really spoil a photo, whether they're caused by a dirty lens or a sensor that's overdue for a cleaning. Unfortunately, conventional post-processing repairs don't always do a perfect job—especially when the artifacts are difficult to notice at first glance.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Feb 05, 2019  |  0 comments

There are many tutorials out there about how to use the powerful Curves tool in Photoshop to adjust your images. And, in fact, we have featured quite a few of them at Shutterbug.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 05, 2021  |  0 comments

Everyone has his or her own approach to editing images in Lightroom. And that’s really fortunate for Adobe Creative Cloud subscribers, because there’s an underutilized resource available that lets you see the step-by-step edits other photographers applied to their photos.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 06, 2023  |  0 comments

Do your autumn photographs fall short of the awesomeness that you saw through the viewfinder? If so, the quick Lightroom tutorial is just what you need to transform good mages into great ones.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 28, 2018  |  0 comments

Adam Karnacz is a British pro known for his stunning nature and landscape photography. In this four-minute tutorial, he explains how to overcome two key challenges when shooting directly into the sun.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 24, 2020  |  0 comments

One way to capture dramatic portraits is to shoot under low light. The catch is that there’s a lot of complexity involved in getting the image right. But with the proper shooting and editing techniques it’s easy to make some truly awesome images.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 03, 2021  |  0 comments

When heading out for a day of landscape photography, most shooters instinctively reach for a wide-angle lens. That’s because conventional wisdom dictates that capturing expansive vistas is the best way to go. Unfortunately, if you’re afflicted with this common reflex, many great photo opportunities will pass you by.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 29, 2023  |  0 comments

It's been a long time since we've posted a tutorial from notable photographer Peter McKinnon, so this is your lucky day. That's because he's a very popular instructor known for lessons with a unique twist.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 14, 2024  |  0 comments

Landscape photographers who don't take advantage of Lightroom's game-changing Range Masks are in for a big surprise today. That's because this tutorial from the PHLOG photography YouTube channel demonstrates why these tools are the "most powerful masks" for maximizing the quality of just about any image captured in the field.

Ron Leach  |  May 23, 2024  |  0 comments

A solid understanding of how to employ Masks is essential if you want post-processing results that are the best they can be. These easy-to-use tools enable you to make selective adjustments to specific parts of an image and achieve optimum color, exposure and balance.

Ron Leach  |  May 03, 2017  |  0 comments

Image-editing expert Ed Gregory typically offers tips and tricks for improving your images, but in this hilarious video he presents a compilation of what he considers the 19 best (or more accurately, worst) Photoshop fails of all time.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 28, 2023  |  0 comments

Adobe has been busy updating Lightroom, making this popular editing software more effective, faster, and easier to use. The quick tutorial below from Photoshop Café explains how to improve your workflow with a trio of new capabilities.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 12, 2024  |  0 comments

We all know that Photoshop is one of the most powerful image-editors available, but over time in can become quite inexpensive. In fact, even with Adobe's most basic plan it will cost you over $250 per year to take advantage of everything it can do.

Henry Anderson  |  Dec 04, 2019  |  0 comments

There are lots of ways to sharpen your images in Lightroom but do you know the best methods? In the below video, photographer Mark Denney shares what he says are the "five best ways to sharpen your landscape photos in Lightroom."
