Digital Darkroom

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Rick Sammon  |  May 01, 2004  | 

In 1980, I was involved in a project to create the world's largest photograph: a panorama of the Grand Canyon. Our team of six (photographers and a TV crew) rode mules into the Grand Canyon, where, in the sweltering August heat, we set up a 35mm SLR...

Ron Leach  |  Oct 07, 2021  | 

Photographers often spend countless hours perfecting their shooting and editing skills, only to be disappointed by inconsistent colors in their images. Today we’re going to let you in on a little secret: it’s difficult to achieve accurate results if you don’t calibrate your monitor.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 26, 2017  | 

A common question among digital photographers is, “How much better is a Raw file than an image captured as a JPEG?” The video below attempts to answer this question “once and for all,” so take a look and see if you agree.

Howard Millard  |  Mar 01, 2005  | 

Sometimes all it takes to lift your photo from the ordinary to the extraordinary is a striking edge or border. Would a soft-edged vignette or a unique pattern border take your image to the next level of dramatic impact? While there are myriad software programs and plug-ins designed to add special effect edges, borders and frames, you probably already have quite an array of...

Ellen Anon  |  Dec 01, 2004  | 

All Photos © 2004, Ellen Anon, All Rights Reserved

It has long been my goal to create photographic images that capture not only what I saw, but what I felt at the moment I made the picture. It was at a workshop with Freeman Patterson and Andre Gallant that my creative spirit truly began to soar. Patterson and Gallant are two extraordinarily talented photographers...

Howard Millard  |  Sep 01, 2004  | 

It was the swinging `60s, I was in college, and many wore a rainbow of tie-dyed colors. What had been "normal" was being challenged on every front, and that included photography. The bulging, startling...

Darryl C. Nicholas  |  May 01, 2007  | 

If you have ever had the experience of trying to convert your favorite slide or color negative to an electronic file you have probably run into the problem called “noise.”...

Howard Millard  |  May 01, 2007  | 

Whether you shoot portraits, landscapes, still life, or nature, soft focus effects can add an evocative, mysterious tone to your photographs.

Steve Anchell  |  Jul 01, 2008  | 

The tips I am going to share here are all done in Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop is not the only imaging-editing program but it is the most widely used.

Steve Bedell  |  Mar 01, 2003  | 

Infinite Backgrounds

About 15 years ago I bought a front projection system for my studio. The way it works is something like this: You pop a slide into the projector and it shows up on the background screen. Put your subject in...

David B. Brooks  |  Jul 01, 2000  | 

There is a certain excitement when you go to the corner drugstore to pick up your prints from photofinishing. By just standing and watching people doing this, you soon realize why photography is a popular hobby. For me, a more serious darkroom addiction...

Peter K. Burian  |  Sep 01, 2004  | 

Whether you shoot with a digital camera or scan photographs, printing can be one of the most rewarding aspects of photography. In the past, you needed a darkroom and a great deal of expertise to make beautiful color or black...

Brad Perks and Roger L. Johnson  |  May 01, 2006  | 

Custom designed for camera gear, comfort, mobile Internet access, and that go-anywhere performance, pros Roger L. Johnson and Brad Perks now use the PhotoMobile for photographic assignments, executive portrait sessions on location, and mobile photo services coast to coast.

Johnson's ideas took flight during a trip through the Rocky Mountains with Perks. They...

David B. Brooks  |  Feb 01, 2003  | 

Is Your Computer Set Up For Digital Photography?

If "Steven" finally got to you and you have a new computer, is it ready for use as a digital darkroom? With rare exception the answer to that question is a resounding no. The reason...

Chris Maher and Larry Berman  |  Mar 01, 2002  | 

The Internet offers photographers great opportunities to share their work with friends, family, and potential buyers. But getting your images in shape to be seen quickly and easily requires that you optimize and compress it into a JPEG format. JPEG compressed images are universally recognized by all...
