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Ron Leach  |  Mar 26, 2021  |  0 comments

Vibrant nighttime street scenes, brilliant sunsets, vivid parades, and automobile light trails after dark are just a few of the many opportunities for eye-popping photos. But if you don’t do things right, the impact is lost.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 25, 2021  |  0 comments

 “What is a LUT?” you ask. In technical terms, LUT is an acronym for “Look-Up Table”—a precise mathematical means of modifying RGB image values by changing hue, saturation and brightness of a photo to create a specific look. In basic parlance, a LUT is nothing more than a bunch of adjustment layers compacted into a single file that you can save and use with most editing programs available.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 25, 2021  |  0 comments

We’ve all had the misfortune of traveling to a beautiful destination with a lake in the foreground of a stunning landscape, only to discover boring light, a drab cloudless sky, and water devoid of the brilliant reflections we anticipated.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 24, 2021  |  0 comments

Unmesh Dinda is one of our favorite image-editing instructors, with a huge international following on his YouTube channel. So when Dinda speaks, we listen.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 23, 2021  |  0 comments

Everyone seems to have their own approach to editing images in Photoshop, and some are more complex than others. But if you’re looking for a simple technique that will make a big difference in your results, this tutorial is for you.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 18, 2021  |  0 comments

If you’re wondering how to give portraits a unique look, this quick tutorial is for you. And the good news is you don’t need a studio or fancy lighting equipment, because this technique uses Photoshop to simulate sunlight.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 18, 2021  |  0 comments

If the headline above caught you by surprise, that’s likely because most of us use sliders to make a wide variety of adjustments in Photoshop and Lightroom. But according to one top pro, it’s time you took a different approach.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 16, 2021  |  0 comments

What if you want a sunset image of a particular scene, but the sky is overcast or you’re not in the right place at the right time? The answer is simple: Watch this eight-minute tutorial and do it in Photoshop.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 15, 2021  |  0 comments

Sometime you capture a nice travel, nature, or landscape scene that could benefit from a boost in sharpness and contrast. The trick is to pump up the image without ending up with an overcooked look. You see how to do this is the quick video below.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 15, 2021  |  0 comments

When it’s time to edit our photographs, most of us upload the files to Lightroom or Photoshop and jump right in. But according to one of our favorite image-editing instructors, there’s an important preliminary step that’s often ignored.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 12, 2021  |  0 comments

There’s a new feature in Photoshop’s Camera Raw that sounds too good to be true. Known as Super Resolution, it can effectively quadruple the resolution of an image

Ron Leach  |  Mar 11, 2021  |  0 comments

You’ve no doubt marveled at spectacular landscape photos with depth of field that seems impossible to achieve with anything other than a tilt-shift lens or a large format view camera. Surprise: The same effect can be accomplished in post processing with a technique known at focus stacking. And it far easier to do than you may think.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 09, 2021  |  0 comments

One way to really mess up an otherwise nice portrait is to get the lighting wrong and end up with shiny hot spots on a model’s face. But if you make that mistake, never fear, because one of our favorite image-editing experts comes to the rescue with a Lightroom quick fix below.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 08, 2021  |  0 comments

Everyone who has done a lot of shooting knows that some images just look better in black and white. And that includes certain portraits and street photos as well as different types of landscape imagery.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 04, 2021  |  0 comments

Cropping a photograph is really easy and there’s nothing special to know, right? Well, not so fast. Some techniques work better than others and you may actually be doing it wrong.
