Photo How To

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Ron Leach  |  Feb 08, 2017  |  0 comments

We recently showed you how to build a DIY tabletop “photo studio” on the cheap for photographing small objects. And now, in the video below, you’ll learn how to temporarily convert part of your home into a space for shooting subjects of all sizes..

Ron Leach  |  Feb 07, 2017  |  0 comments

The late Bruce Mozert was an American photographer who gained acclaim in the late 1930s for photographing pretty pin-ups posing underwater. As you can see, what made his portraits particularly unusual (apart from the fact they were shot underwater) was that his models were often posed as though they were going about their daily lives on land.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 03, 2017  |  0 comments

CNN Style is a monthly, 30-minute show devoted to inspirational coverage of art, design, architecture and fashion. In episode ten, host Derek Blasberg takes an in-depth look at the power of photography, and you can watch the 24-minute clip below (with no commercials).

Ron Leach  |  Feb 03, 2017  |  0 comments

DIY projects are a fun way to make your own gear and save major bucks in the process, and the video below shows you how to construct a sturdy light stand for less than $5 worth of PVC pipe. If you really want to go “pro,” you can drop another $2 on a cheap PVC cutter.

Scott Kelby  |  Feb 03, 2017  |  0 comments

Got Questions About Photography? Professional Photographer and Photoshop Expert Scott Kelby Has Got Answers

Ron Leach  |  Feb 02, 2017  |  0 comments

Great photographers come in all nationalities, shooting styles, and ages, as you can see from these amazing images entered in the 2016 National Geographic International Photography Contest for Kids. The images you see here are among the just-announced winners and runners up.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 31, 2017  |  0 comments

Richard Koci Hernandez considers himself a “visual journalist,” and he’s widely recognized for his stark, dramatic B&W street photography that conveys his keen sense of composition and a gritty, curious view of society. His work has appeared in major newspapers and magazines both here in the U.S. and abroad.

Seth Shostak  |  Jan 31, 2017  |  0 comments

White balance sounds like one of those concerns that vaporized with the advent of digital photography. In the days when film was king, you had to think about the color quality of light at the drugstore photo counter, long before you made any pics. You could either plan on shooting in the Sun, using a so-called “daylight” emulsion, or snapping your photos indoors, with a “T” or “tungsten” film stock.

Dan Havlik  |  Jan 26, 2017  |  0 comments

Here’s more great advice for beginning photographers in the form of a helpful how-to video from landscape photographer Serge Ramelli. Titled “Mistakes to Avoid as a Beginner Photographer,” the 6.5-minute clip below discusses six things Ramelli did when he was just starting out in photography, which he now regrets.

Steve Meltzer  |  Jan 26, 2017  |  0 comments

Great photographs are not the result of great cameras. Superb cameras help, but the real secret to making great images is the ability to see photographs in your mind’s eye before you take them. Once this ability to “pre-visualize” an image is learned, it quickly becomes second nature. Here are five simple tips to jump-start your thinking outside the camera.

Dan Havlik  |  Jan 23, 2017  |  0 comments

We like the photo how-to videos from the folks at Mango Street Lab because they're short, sweet, and eminently helpful. The below video tutorial titled "3 Mistakes All Beginner Photographers Make" is no exception.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 20, 2017  |  0 comments

It’s likely that many of you are unfamiliar with the UK-based Societies of Photographers or their international Photographer of the Year (POTY) Awards. But one look at the gorgeous images of the Societies’ 2016 winners show why you can learn a bit about photography and gain inspiration from obscure photo contests.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jan 20, 2017  |  0 comments

Welcome back! Last week we covered lenses that are well suited for five of the most popular camera activities, including kids’ sports, travel and online auctions. If you missed that piece, you’ll find it here. This week—as promised—five more lenses for five more activities. These are sometimes thought of as being in the realm of more advanced hobbyists, but that ain’t necessarily so. Read on…

Ron Leach  |  Jan 17, 2017  |  0 comments

Last fall Stanford University created quite a buzz when they enabled anyone to take their comprehensive digital imaging course online for free. Now thanks to web-based learning resource Alison, there’s a similar opportunity in which you can become a Harvard photography student at no cost!

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jan 13, 2017  |  2 comments

People often ask me, “What sort of lens should I buy as my second lens?” and my answer is always the same: “What sort of pictures would you like to take?”  I’m getting that question a lot right now because a zillion people got new cameras over the holidays. There are so many options I’ve decided to deliver the answer in two installments. But first, let’s take a close look at that kit lens that came with your camera.
