Stan Trzoniec

Stan Trzoniec  |  Apr 01, 2005

Photos © 2004, Stan Trzoniec, All Rights Reserved


In a world of increasing digital dominance, Nikon has again taken a bold step and introduced a camera that should keep film-based photographers happy for some time to come. Call it a move up for those who never had the privilege of owning a premium camera or a huge upgrade for photographers who now feel they've...

Stan Trzoniec  |  Dec 01, 2004

All Photos © 2004, Stan Trzoniec, All Rights Reserved


According to a recent survey, there are still over 140 million film cameras in use within the boundaries of the US. No doubt that digital has taken the world by storm, but is there still a sizable market out there for the dedicated film shooter? Looking at the recent introduction of an improved version of the...

Stan Trzoniec  |  Aug 01, 2004

For Nikon, 1996 was an exciting year. That was the introduction date of the F5 camera that revolutionized the way handheld cameras would be used. It was also the year that true Silent Wave Technology was brought on-line in the form of the 300, 500, and...

Stan Trzoniec  |  Jul 01, 2004

Like modern automobile engines, most digital cameras equipped with interchangeable lenses seem to have most of their power or torque at the high end of the focal length scale. In digital SLRs with smaller than full-frame sensors, your 300mm might be a...

Stan Trzoniec  |  Oct 01, 2003

As soon as I opened the box I was in hyper-drive. There before me was one very impressive piece of optical gear. Made by Sigma, this new telephoto lens includes useful focal lengths from the ever-popular 300mm to a mind-boggling 800mm. For photographers...

Stan Trzoniec  |  Aug 01, 2003

Tunnel Vision

There certainly seems to be a true mystique when it comes to telephoto lenses. In a quick poll taken in our lab I found out that when a person buys a new single lens reflex camera the next lens he or she wants is a telephoto. Not...

Stan Trzoniec  |  Apr 01, 2002

Ever since I started in photography I was enthralled with the virtues of good, clean available light photographs. After high school my graduation present was a Heiland Pentax complete with an f/2 lens. Combining that with Tri-X film--then rated...

Stan Trzoniec  |  Aug 01, 2001

Picking up a Nikon 300mm f/2.8 for the first time was certainly a humbling experience. This lens was not only large in physical size, it was heavy! Specifications show that it checked in at around 51/2 lbs and measured almost a foot in...
