Photographer Profiles

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Jack Neubart  |  May 10, 2016  | 

Jim Harmer didn’t start out as a travel and nature photographer. He was in law school when the photography bug bit him, and, before he knew it, he was traveling the world, capturing moments in time with his camera.

Kim Wilson  |  Nov 12, 2012  |  First Published: Oct 01, 2012  | 

Lise Gagné is a stock photographer from Quebec City, Canada. An exclusive contributor with since her first photo submission in 2003, she is a superstar on the popular microstock website.


Lise’s story is one of passion, persistence, ingenuity, and timing. As a graphic designer she often used photography in her work. One day, when searching for an image she needed for a project, she came across and was immediately attracted to the idea of creating images for the then emerging market of RF (Royalty Free) images.

Blaine Harrington  |  May 17, 2016  | 

Not too long ago I entered a PhotoShelter contest that called for entrants to submit a single photo they deemed their best travel image. I didn’t know if the one I sent was in fact my best, but I was certain it would get the judges’ attention. If you’re a regular reader, you might have seen it featured in my column in the November, 2014, issue: the image of trucks, sheep, and goats held up by a landslide in the Zojila Pass in Kashmir, India.

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Jul 03, 2018  | 

Carol Freeman began the Endangered Species Photography Project 15 years ago. Her aim was to photograph all the endangered species in her home state of Illinois, in the hope that awareness would foster protection for the threatened species and their habitats.

Efrain M. Padro  |  Aug 08, 2014  | 

I could hear the predawn call to prayer broadcast from minarets across the city as I climbed the stairs to my hotel’s rooftop. From there I enjoyed a magnificent view of the ancient city of Istanbul. Immediately below me, roughly facing north, was Sultanahmet Square, the city’s historic center, flanked by the Blue Mosque to the left and the Hagia Sophia to the right. Behind and to my right I could see the Sea of Marmara and Asia, while in the distance to the northeast I could see the Strait of Bosphorus. As I stood alone on the rooftop in this city of 14 million people, admiring the view all around, it occurred to me I should get out my camera and take some pictures.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 09, 2017  | 

Australian nature photographer Warren Keelan lives on the South Coast of New South Wales, and has always been fascinated by the ocean and its ever-changing forms. The remarkable photos you see here are a testament to his goal of, “creating an image that tells a story or leaves an impression on the viewer."

Ron Leach  |  Mar 22, 2017  | 

Brett Chatwin is an amateur nature photographer based in Tasmania, and he captured these stunning images of a rare phenomenon known as the “Underwater Northern Lights.”

Lynne Eodice  |  Feb 01, 2004  | 

All photos © Lou Manna


New York-based food photographer Lou Manna discusses shooting trends: "The old style of photographing food involved lots of props, edge-to-edge sharpness, dramatic, shadowy light and was shot from a high angle. On the other hand, today's...

Cynthia Boylan  |  Jan 14, 2016  | 

All pets want to be the center of attention and this little gray cat named Manny (along with his other critter pals including dogs, horses and another cat) is certainly no exception. 

Steve Meltzer  |  Sep 30, 2015  | 

Scottish photographer and living legend Albert Watson is no stranger to accolades. Earlier this year, Watson was awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE) by Queen Elizabeth II for his contributions to photography.

Cynthia Boylan  |  Feb 12, 2015  | 

The jury of the 58th annual World Press Photo Contest selected an image by Danish photographer Mads Nissen as the World Press Photo of the Year 2014. Nissen is a staff photographer for the Danish daily newspaper Politiken and is represented by Scanpix and Panos Pictures.

Barry Tanenbaum  |  May 26, 2015  | 

As he neared the end of the process of making prints for an exhibition of his large- and medium-format photography, Geoffrey Roberts was ready to spread the word about the upcoming event. “I was in the darkroom once or twice a week for eight or nine months leading up to the show,” he says, “and to promote it I took pictures in the darkroom and posted them to Flickr, Facebook, Instagram—basically everywhere.”

The Editors  |  Apr 01, 2003  | 

The first major exhibition devoted to the critical early years in the life and work of photographer Margaret Bourke-White is on view at The Phillips Collection in Washington, DC, through May 11. "Margaret Bourke-White: The Photography of Design, 1927--1936," comprising approximately 140 photographs, will be the first exhibition to explore fully her important early...

 |  Mar 15, 2017  | 

Mark Mawson is a London-based photographer with over 25 years of experience creating unusual images. He’s received international acclaim for his unique photos of colored dye “exploding” in water, and this interesting project is something you should try yourself.

Suzanne Driscoll  |  Nov 17, 2015  | 

This interview with Mary Ellen Mark took place before her death on May 25, 2015, at the age of 75. Considered to be the ultimate “humanist” photographer, she will always be remembered for the honesty, compassion, and empathy she gave to everyone.
