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Henry Anderson  |  Feb 22, 2022  |  0 comments

What's the best way to pose someone who is sitting for portrait photos? Pro photographer Jessica Whitaker shares three great sitting posing tips in the below portrait photography tutorial.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 20, 2022  |  0 comments

Gear isn’t the most important thing when shooting landscape photos, but it does matter. In particular, choosing the right lens can make your job easier as a photographer.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 27, 2018  |  0 comments

One of the first skills taught to budding photographers, is how to frame a scene correctly. And if shooting landscapes is your thing, a refined sense of composition is absolutely essential for creating images with impact. In this tutorial, you’ll see how one pro uses a keen eye for composition to create order out of complex or chaotic nature scenes.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 28, 2023  |  0 comments

Adobe has been busy updating Lightroom, making this popular editing software more effective, faster, and easier to use. The quick tutorial below from Photoshop Café explains how to improve your workflow with a trio of new capabilities.

Dan Havlik  |  Oct 19, 2020  |  0 comments

Boudoir literally means bedroom in French so it's fairly typical to capture boudoir photos of someone posing on a bed. This is more challenging than it may seem, however, since bed poses in boudoir can either look awkward or be a bit all-too familiar.

Jason Schneider  |  Sep 18, 2019  |  0 comments

Newsflash! So-called entry-level DSLRs are no longer stripped-down models built to fit a bargain-basement price point. In fact, many budget DSLRs these days let you enter at a higher level photographically while not putting a dent in your wallet. The following are our choices for the five best DSLR kits (including lenses) for $750 or less.

Theano Nikitas  |  Oct 31, 2019  |  0 comments

Printing photos may seem a little retro these days but there’s really nothing like seeing—and holding—a hard copy of your images.

Henry Anderson  |  Dec 04, 2019  |  0 comments

There are lots of ways to sharpen your images in Lightroom but do you know the best methods? In the below video, photographer Mark Denney shares what he says are the "five best ways to sharpen your landscape photos in Lightroom."

Steve Meltzer  |  Dec 12, 2014  |  0 comments

The sale of Peter Lik’s photograph "Phantom" for a reported record $6.5 million earlier this week has stirred up a firestorm of online commentaries, media chest pounding and a lot of silliness. Critic Jonathan Jones writing in The Guardian (UK), has gone so far as to say that the sale was especially grotesque because in his words "photography is not an art."

Henry Anderson  |  Jan 09, 2020  |  0 comments

Do you ruin your landscape photos after you shoot them? Yes, Photoshop and Lightroom are both a blessing and a curse and overediting, under editing, or simply poorly editing photos on your computer can destroy a perfectly good image.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 06, 2021  |  0 comments

There’s much more to selecting a lens than focal length, maximum aperture, AF vs MF, and whether you’re looking for a prime lens or a zoom. In fact, depending upon your style of photography and the emotion you want to convey, an economical lens may be a better choice than high-end glass that’s far more costly.

Jason Schneider  |  Feb 20, 2020  |  0 comments

I’m a film dinosaur—about 40% of the pictures I shoot are made on black-and white film, and my favorite analog cameras range in age from 50-100 years. For the remaining 60%, I shoot digitally, sometimes with a vintage lens attached to help capture a "retro" look.

Jason Schneider  |  Sep 25, 2019  |  0 comments

You want a cutting-edge mirrorless camera system, but you don't want to pay bleeding edge prices for it? The good news is there are many excellent mirrorless cameras you can buy without busting your budget. In the following guide, we pick our seven favorite mirrorless cameras for under $1000.

Jason Schneider  |  Dec 11, 2019  |  0 comments

Street photography, capturing authentic, un-posed pictures of people being themselves, is a genre that dates back to the mid 19th century. It rapidly evolved with the introduction smaller cameras like the 35mm Leica I of 1925, and as faster films and high-speed lenses of superior quality became available.

Jason Schneider  |  Oct 09, 2019  |  0 comments

Prime lenses, unlike zooms, provide only a single fixed focal length. Despite that limitation prime lenses can be versatile, proficient picture takers that are smaller and lighter than comparable zooms and often deliver superior image quality along with wider apertures.
