George Schaub  |  May 01, 2010  |  0 comments

When pictures went digital it meant that images were information that could be treated as malleable things that could be edited like a text document. Along with custom processing programs with their attendant benefits came the ability to send and share images via the web, which for some meant that events and family pics could be easily shared and for others created a whole new approach to...

Joe Farace  |  May 01, 2010  |  0 comments

“They say it’s your birthday. We’re gonna have a good time.”—John Lennon & Paul McCartney

May is National Photography Month that was originally started by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 as a week-long American Photography Celebration but now it is a full month. It’s also the former home of the “Take Your Camera to Work Day” that I...

David B. Brooks  |  May 01, 2010  |  0 comments

Digital Help is designed to aid you in getting the most from your digital photography, printing, scanning, and image creation. Each month, David Brooks provides solutions to problems you might encounter with matters such as color calibration and management, digital printer and scanner settings, and working with digital photographic images with many different kinds of cameras and software. All...

Joe Farace  |  May 01, 2010  |  1 comments

The new 1D Mark IV is a step up the evolutionary ladder from EOS Erectus, going where all SLRs are heading these days—High-Definition (HD) video capture.


Video aside, in today’s D-SLR world a $5000 16-megapixel camera might not seem like such a big deal, especially when the 18-megapixel EOS 7D, also with video capture, sells for $1699. The 1D...

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 01, 2010  |  0 comments

Many of the cameras used by Shutterbug readers use SD memory cards. SD stands for Secure Digital, and it’s the most popular type of media for digital imaging. SD has been around for so long that people use this identifier generically, and refer to all variations simply as “SD.” This practice can lead to problems. There are a couple of new kids on the block, and you should know...

Maria Piscopo  |  May 01, 2010  |  0 comments

“The availability of professional-quality digital still cameras tempts many photographers to consider adding video to increase clients and business income.”

More consumer and commercial clients today want to add video to their still photographers’ assignments to get “one-stop shopping” service. The availability of professional-quality digital still cameras...

Barry Tanenbaum  |  May 01, 2010  |  0 comments

Sports photojournalist Dave Black wants his photographs to attract and hold your attention. And he wants them to be as different from the next guy’s as possible; the next guy is, after all, the competition.

In search of the big differences that make for high impact photographs, Dave uses ideas as much as he uses technology.Here are four examples of his thinking about...

 |  Apr 30, 2010  |  0 comments

Backdrop Outlet's Summer Photo Event and Warehouse Sale will be held June 11th through the 13th. The savings and free seminars will be well worth the trip. Every item we carry will be on sale including Muslins from $19.00, Close out props from $5.00, Canvases 80% off, Lights, stands, and reflectors 75% off. Make sure you come early because the first 50 customers Friday morning will receive a free gift. This is a great opportunity to learn more about our products. We will be giving product demos and having door prizes and drawings all day.


David B. Brooks Blog  |  Apr 28, 2010  |  0 comments

In the old days of computer digital imaging those big heavy CRT monitors at least matched printers and printer paper in brightness, so no too dark prints. With today’s LCD displays most are now made as cheap as possible for home/office computing and are two to four times as bright as those old CRT monitors, which for most computing is is an advantage, but not for digital photographers who want to color anD brightness match screen and print.
