Jon Sienkiewicz Blog  |  Jun 01, 2009  |  0 comments

Summer's almost here, and we made our annual May jaunt to the Jersey Shore. The full name of the park we call Sandy Hook is "Gateway National Recreation Area." As far as we're concerned, it has everything anyone could ask for: several of the white sand beaches New Jersey is famous for, deserted military bunkers, miles of bike trails and a light house. Plus it's nearby and never seems overcrowded.

Robert E. Mayer  |  Jun 01, 2009  |  0 comments

Here Is A Quick Tip List On Letters For The HELP! desk:
Please confine yourself to only one question per letter. Both postal letters and e-mails are fine, although we prefer e-mail as the most efficient form of communication. Send your e-mail queries to with Help in the subject header and your return...

Fredrik Froman  |  Jun 01, 2009  |  0 comments

When most people are getting their best sleep and the early birds are cuddling in their warm beds or having their first cup of coffee, low-light photographers get their best pictures. There is nothing like standing in a big city in the middle of the night before the city wakes up and shooting low-light photography. I love the feeling of experiencing something not everybody sees. If you...

George Schaub  |  Jun 01, 2009  |  0 comments

“Photographers owe nothing to reality.”—Fred Picker, 1988

An image sits in front of you on the monitor, something you caught on some stroll or an intentional trip into some world space that you wanted to share with the rest of the inhabitants, and there is something right about it and something wrong, something you missed along the way or that dropped out from...

Joe Farace  |  Jun 01, 2009  |  0 comments

“There are three key things for good photography: a camera, lighting, and Photoshop.”—Tyra Banks

Ever since the Pictorialist movement began in 1885 photographers have enjoyed applying what many would call “special effects” to their images. The Modernist movement that started in 1914 began a shift toward tack-sharp realism, but the emergence of the digital...

David B. Brooks  |  Jun 01, 2009  |  0 comments

Digital Help is designed to aid you in getting the most from your digital photography, printing, scanning, and image creation. Each month, David Brooks provides solutions to problems you might encounter with matters such as color calibration and management, digital printer and scanner settings, and working with digital photographic images with many different kinds of cameras and software. All...

Stan Sholik  |  Jun 01, 2009  |  0 comments

AC-powered electronic flash units fall into two distinct categories: systems with a power pack to which individual heads are connected, and self-contained units where the power unit is a part of the head itself.

David B. Brooks  |  Jun 01, 2009  |  0 comments

I don’t know of any other film brand that also became the title of a hit song like Paul Simon’s “Kodachrome,” released in 1973.

George Schaub  |  Jun 01, 2009  |  0 comments

If you have been feeling like the machines are getting the best of you, or that automation is fast taking over your cognitive processes, you’re not alone.

Howard Millard  |  Jun 01, 2009  |  0 comments

With new portrait photos, ID2 makes it easy to remove unwanted blemishes, whether it’s a skin problem, a scar, a mole, or even a tattoo.
