9 Must-Know Tips for Better Boudoir Photography

We turn to Washington DC-based boudoir photographer Marco Ibanez again and again when we want to learn some key lessons on how to shoot better intimate portraits. In the below video, Ibanez shares nine things you should do "to improve your boudoir images and have confidence when you shoot."

In the video, Ibanez uses some behind-the-scenes footage he captured of model Cara Newman to demonstrate what to do and what not to do when shooting boudoir.

"I'm super excited to share these with you because I really believe these things can help you achieve consistency in the way you shoot, consistency in the way you pose people, and that consistency is going to help you feel more confidence," Ibanez says. "That confidence is going to make your clients feel more comfortable and the more comfortable they are, the better the photos you will get."

Here are the nine things you should do to capture better boudoir photos, according to Ibanez.

#1 Tilt Their Heads

#2 Framing

#3 Details

#4 Open Mouth

#5 Body Language

#6 Both Eyes in Frame

#7 Staggered Legs

#8 Arched Back

#9 Pointed Toes

Many of these tips might seem basic but that's the point. If you're not doing them already, you should start doing them ASAP or your boudoir shots will look unappealing and amateurish.

So check out the video below and then watch these two other free boudoir tutorials for beginners: 8 Beginner Boudoir Photography Mistakes & How to Fix Them and When Poses Go Wrong: The Do's and Don'ts of Model Posing. And don't forget to visit and subscribe to Ibanez' YouTube channel for more essential boudoir tips.