Monte Zucker

Monte Zucker  |  Sep 01, 1999

What I wouldn't have given for something like this when I was new to the business. Here's a quickie shot list of portraits that you can take the next time you're photographing a wedding.

Of course, these are a lot...

Monte Zucker  |  Aug 01, 1999

I used a fixed-lens camera for many, many years--even after I'd become a professional photographer. Then, someone told me that I could never be a professional until I had a camera on which you could change lenses. I remember being glad that my...

Monte Zucker  |  Jun 01, 1999

The one thing that you can count on when you see Richard Pahl's images is that you're not gonna believe what you're looking at. The reason is that he's so darned clever with what he's done/doing, you're just never sure...

Monte Zucker  |  May 01, 1999

So, what does a professional photographer do with his afternoon off? Take pictures. I'd never have believed it, myself, but going to our local art show in downtown Sarasota with a 35mm camera in hand allowed me to see more, possibly, than many of the...

Monte Zucker  |  Apr 01, 1999

Teaching photography to Carnival Cruise Line photographers has given me an opportunity that few people have in their lifetime. I spend weeks at a time cruising on the world's greatest fleet of ships to some of the world's most incredibly...

Monte Zucker  |  Mar 01, 1999

Why do we have to choose fact or fantasy? Why can't wedding photography be a bit of each? That's the conclusion I've come to and that's what I believe most people want.


Monte Zucker  |  Feb 01, 1999

Black and white pictures are no big deal--at least for me. I started in black and white many years ago, but was thrilled to get out of the darkroom when color became the "in" thing.

Now that black and white has had a...

Monte Zucker  |  Jan 01, 1999

Portraits can be created outdoors in just about any environment. The key is to learn how to make just about any lighting situation work for you. Sometimes, when you choose your background you might find yourself photographing your subject in direct...

Monte Zucker  |  Jan 01, 1998

My Hasselblad gives me unlimited vision. "Ideal" is another way of putting it. I never have to think or compose any of my images to fit into a pre-prescribed format. Horizontal? Vertical? Things I never have to consider. Cropping? Why not...
