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Joe Farace  |  Nov 01, 2009  | 

Beginning with the launch of the Asahiflex I in 1952, Pentax (PENTAprism refleX) was the first SLR that incorporated a penta-prism viewfinder and reflex mirror.

Peter K. Burian  |  Nov 01, 2008  | 

Until recently, 10 megapixels was the norm among the enthusiast-level D-SLRs but that changed with the introduction of Nikon’s 12-megapixel D300. Pentax was the first to move to even higher resolution with their 14.6-megapixel model, the K20D, followed by Sony with their 14.2-megapixel Alpha A350. Aside from a 4.6 million increase in effective pixels, the Pentax K20D boasts some other...

Ron Leach  |  Oct 18, 2021  | 

By now you probably know that the current trend in camera technology is strongly in favor of mirrorless models. In fact, apart from Pentax, all manufacturers are avoiding new DSLR models while continually upgrading their lineup of mirrorless cameras and lenses.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 12, 2024  | 

Properly maintaining photo gear is an essential "habit" if you want to prolong the life of your equipment and receive reliable performance. In the important tutorial below you'll learn the do's and don'ts for accomplishing this quickly and safely.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 17, 2023  | 

If you ask a bunch of budding landscape photographers to name the biggest challenge they face, the answer you’re likely to receive is “getting a perfect exposure.” This can be difficult with all forms of outdoor photography, but it’s particularly an issue when shooting landscape scenes with a wide range of tones from bright highlights to deep shadows.

Jason Schneider  |  Jul 02, 2012  |  First Published: May 01, 2012  | 

As advanced electronics continue to supplant more and more elements of camera function and design, often displacing optical and mechanical systems, the camera of the future is being redefined. To give you a clearer picture of the emerging technologies that are destined to change the shape of cameras to come, let’s take a closer look at the implications of some of the emerging new tech found in the latest models.

Joe Farace  |  Aug 16, 2018  | 

We all have photography gear that we love to bring with us, whether we’re traveling around the world taking pictures, or going for a stroll in our backyard for a couple of local landscape shots. The following is the gear I find to be my essential “traveling companions” for trips both long and short.

Jason Schneider  |  Dec 20, 2018  | 

Street photography—walking around with a camera, poised to capture life on the fly—has never been more popular than it is now. Back in the day, masters like Alfred Eisenstaedt and Henri Cartier-Bresson prowled the streets with classic film-based Leica rangefinders, but today most street shooters opt for modern digital cameras.

Jason Schneider  |  Jul 18, 2018  | 

A score of digital and analog cameras that set standards for their era and pointed to the future.

Dan Havlik  |  Jun 12, 2018  | 

One of the many things that struck us about the video of the historic handshake yesterday between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean lead Kim Jong Un was how noisy it was. Watch the clip below from CNN International and you’ll hear a familiar sound.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 15, 2024  | 

We can summarize the following tutorial in five words: "Don't believe everything you think"—at least as pertains to the "necessity" of using ISO 100 whenever possible when photographing nature and landscape scenes. Camera technology has changed dramatically since this became a common mantra, and one pro says it's time to reconsider the outdated rule.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 02, 2021  | 

For those on a budget it’s tempting to purchase an inexpensive 2X teleconverter to double the focal length of a lens you already own, instead of spending big bucks on a powerful super-telephoto zoom. But does this really make sense in terms of image quality, or are you better off just cropping your photos?

Ron Leach  |  May 05, 2023  | 

Photographers who do most of their shooting outdoors know how difficult it can be to consistently nail exposure—especially when shooting expansive landscape vistas. That’s because these types of scenes often contain a broad range of tones from bright highlights to deep shadows.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 25, 2020  | 

2020 has been an interesting year to say the least. The one thing that has stayed steady in an unsteady world though has been the variety of quality cameras that have come out in the past 12 months. This year Shutterbug once again worked with EISA, the world's largest independent collection of magazines and websites focusing on consumer electronics, to select the ten best cameras of 2020.
