Joe Farace  |  Dec 01, 1999  |  0 comments

Serendipity: Sometimes you accidentally find something wonderful. That's the case with this Web Site of the Month. While researching astrophotography sites, I found Pete's Page, which includes astronomical photography--digital and film--along...

Peter K. Burian  |  Dec 01, 1999  |  0 comments

As the manufacturer of numerous tripods, the Velbon name has been well known in the US for many years, particularly for very affordable and ultralight models. Recently however, some important changes have occurred. The Velbon Tripod Co. of Japan expanded...

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Dec 01, 1999  |  0 comments

Lindsay Silverman
Marketing Manager, SLR Program Development
Nikon Inc.

Flexible Flyer. "Don't be married to one method of shooting. Even though the cameras I use can be customized, I...

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Dec 01, 1999  |  0 comments

Nick Briggs
East Union High School
Manteca, California

Goal. "I think photography will continue to be the family business."


Peter K. Burian  |  Dec 01, 1999  |  0 comments

As the economy improved in 1998, the market was ready for new and improved SLR cameras in 1999. And the manufacturers delivered, with emphasis on two categories: "Pro" models packed with every capability imaginable and entry-level cameras that are simpler to operate than previous...

Jay Abend  |  Dec 01, 1999  |  0 comments

When Bob Shell asked me to take a look at Schneider's new line of digital lenses, I said "sure." After all, I'm a fully modern digital photographer, and anything aimed at the digital professional is of great interest to me. When I...

Rick Sammon  |  Dec 01, 1999  |  0 comments

Want to add some pizzazz to your existing photos? One way to accomplish this goal is to create the feeling or impression that a still subject is moving. With Adobe Photoshop, it's relatively easy. Here's how to do it.

Joe Farace  |  Dec 01, 1999  |  0 comments

What does the Internet have to do with the invention of graphics plug-ins? More than you might think and you don't have to be a fan of James Burke's TV series Connections to make the necessary connections. It starts in the mind of computer...

Monte Zucker  |  Dec 01, 1999  |  0 comments

Have you ever wished for better vision? That is, not just to see more clearly, but at the same time to see things that you've missed seeing--or remembering--because there was just too much to take in at one time.

Robert E. Mayer  |  Dec 01, 1999  |  0 comments


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