Picture This

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Staff  |  Oct 01, 2009  | 

Our Picture This! assignment for this month was “Hey, Look at the Sky!” Readers sent in brilliant images from all around the world of sunset and dawn, of threatening storm clouds, and of fascinating configurations of clouds. In most cases the images included the ground as the anchor on which the sky was tied, and the interaction of reflections and color cast added to the amazing...

Staff  |  Sep 01, 2009  | 

Our Picture This! assignment this month was “Monochrome Tone,” images made with black-and-white film or converted into black and white using a variety of routes, from in camera digital conversion to software programs for creating everything from toned to neutral black-and-white images. While we sought monochrome with a bit of color tone, we did not limit submissions to just sepia...

Staff  |  Aug 01, 2009  | 

Our Picture This! assignment this month was Macro World, and readers responded with a dazzling host of images that revealed a colorful, delightful, and often surprising look at a world most folks do not take the time to observe. Photography is a reminder of the moments we often pass by in the rush of daily events, and nowhere is that more evident than when viewing these looks at a close-up world.

Staff  |  Jul 01, 2009  | 

This month’s Picture This! assignment was “Bokeh,” the character of out-of-focus parts of the frame. Bokeh, Japanese for “fuzzy,” has been interpreted photographically (and philosophically) in many ways, but our take is how circles of confusion can be an enhancement when used to highlight and reinforce the main subject. Some claim that lenses with more blades form a...

Staff  |  Jun 01, 2009  | 

Our Picture This! assignment this month was “Backlight,” and readers responded with images that spoke of the wonders of light in this, perhaps the most challenging but many times the most rewarding, lighting condition. Many of the images brought back the words of the filmmaker Werner Herzog, who I will paraphrase here, when he said that images are our way of bearing witness to the...

Staff  |  May 01, 2009  | 

Our Picture This! assignment this month is “A River Runs Through It,” where we asked readers to submit images of the cities of the world where rivers played an important role in the founding of the city and continue to serve as both working and recreational centers of activity. As we looked through the hundreds of images we received we felt like we were taking a trip around the world;...

Staff  |  Apr 01, 2009  | 

Our Picture This! assignment this month was “Interiors.” We asked readers to submit images that show the unique ways in which we arrange the space between four walls. The response brought all sorts of images, ranging from the grandiose to the humble, from a painter’s studio to the grand churches and temples of the world. What is perhaps most interesting about these shots is the...

Staff  |  Mar 01, 2009  | 

Our Picture This! assignment this month was “Trees,” and readers responded with an amazing variety of those marvelous life forms from all points of the globe. It’s clear that trees remain a fascinating subject for photographers in their form, the way they catch light, and in how they adapt to the often harsh and many times beautiful places in which they exist. The photographs...

Staff  |  Feb 01, 2009  | 

Photographers have a keen eye, and part of that is noticing moments when people, places, and things converge in extraordinary fashion. Our Picture This! assignment this month asked readers to submit images that caught those “comings together” that held those odd coincidences in a single image. Readers used long lenses to compress space and bring disparate subjects closer, and wide...

Staff  |  Jan 01, 2009  | 

Our Picture This! assignment this month was “Just Black and White (No Grays),” and readers have responded with a wide range of high-contrast black and white images, from architecture to portraits to dreamlike scenes that add a heightened sense of mystery to an already abstract form. Many of the images resemble pen and ink drawings, with others playing into the line and form potential...

Staff  |  Dec 01, 2008  | 

Our Picture This! assignment this month was Sacred Spaces, places that inspire us to consider the less material and more spiritual side of life. Readers responded with many images of awe-inspiring landscapes with special meaning, places of worship, of pure light and color, and, in some cases, of places that have special meaning for the photographer. All this could go to prove that the divine can...

Staff  |  Nov 01, 2008  | 

To use an old phrase: “Far Out.” That was our reaction to this month’s Picture This! assignment, Special Effects. Readers sent us images made in camera and post-processed to change reality in unique and wonderful ways. While some readers shared their recipes some didn’t, which led us to some interesting discussions on how some of the images we received were created.

Staff  |  Oct 01, 2008  | 

Our Picture This! assignment this month was "On the Beach," images made where the land meets the sea. Readers responded with images from around the world showing a sense of color and design that the areas inspired. Quality of light, form, and line and shadow all play their parts in these locales, and images showed the grand and macro, the simple and complex, and most of...

Shutterbug Staff  |  Sep 01, 2008  | 

While the Picture This! topic this month, "Spring Has Sprung," might seem seasonally inappropriate, the assignment was made during the height of the season so we'd get fresh, new images and not have readers sorting through their files from last year. The result was a profusion of amazing images ranging from florals to landscapes to a good deal of wildlife...

Shutterbug Staff  |  Aug 01, 2008  | 

The power of suggestion is very strong in forming our perceptions. Think alligator, for example, even in a big northern city, and soon you might begin to see forms and objects that bring that reptile to mind. Our Picture This! assignment this month was just that--seeing the forms of letters of the alphabet in everyday objects and scenes. Readers responded with images that...
