Jon Sienkiewicz

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 25, 2014

Misprint? No. The latest “all-in-one” zoom lens from Tamron ranges from 16mm to 300mm, the equivalent of 24mm to 450mm on my Nikon D300s (with APS-C size sensor). Add Vibration Compensation (VC), excellent Macro focusing and PZD Piezo Drive for quiet and blazing-fast autofocus and you’ve got “Lensational.”

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Feb 07, 2014  |  First Published: Jan 01, 2014

It all began back in 1990 with a shareware program called Paint Shop. Debuting the same year as Adobe PhotoShop 1.0, comparison to that legendary product has been inescapable. Paint Shop, known as PaintShop Pro X6 Ultimate in its current incarnation, has always been associated with three characteristics: extreme affordability, sufficient power for most photo enthusiasts, and Windows-only compatibility. PaintShop Pro has continued to evolve and improve, and today offers many significant enhancements, including the ability to run smoothly on Macs using a Windows emulation program.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Nov 24, 2013

Lensbaby Spark lets your camera color outside the lines. It mounts directly on your Canon or Nikon and focuses manually when you squeeze it toward the rear while watching the sharp, sweet spot move around in the viewfinder. The affordable Lensbaby Spark deserves a spot on every photographer’s holiday wish list.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Oct 23, 2013

Ever have a camera or gadget bag strap that wouldn't stay on your shoulder? Read about this tacky solution.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 19, 2013

The cleverly engineered CapturePRO Camera Clip from Peak Design provides a secure and convenient way to attach a camera to your belt, backpack or other strap. It’s a quick-draw device that allows you to spring into action instantly—but locks down your camera safely when not in use.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 08, 2013

If you’re long on artistic ambition but short on psychomotor skills (i.e., hand-eye coordination) like I am, SnapArt 3 from Alien Skin may liberate the Rembrandt hidden in you.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Aug 21, 2013

Identity theft is a serious problem worldwide. Carelessness with your camera or memory cards may help thieves in some really scary ways. Here are two ways you might be donating information without realizing it.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Aug 11, 2013

We all know how big a tomato is. If we see a photo of a GIANT tomato sitting all by itself, we have no idea that it’s bigger than its cousins. To convey the perception of size one must position the tomato near another object of known size—say, an egg or a walnut. Same is true about cameras.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Aug 04, 2013

What every photographer should own; add to that list an inexpensive collapsible reflector.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 28, 2013
Sharpen your shooting skills by giving yourself an “assignment.”
