Master Class

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Monte Zucker  |  Oct 01, 2006  | 

Imagine you're on a trip of a lifetime and want to bring back memories that will last more than a lifetime. It all began with my deciding to teach a class in Tuscany, Italy. I was already going there for a convention of photographers, so Jeff Medford, my assistant, suggested that we combine it with a class. It was so successful that we're planning more...

Monte Zucker  |  Apr 01, 2007  | 

I thought that I knew what family portraiture was all about. You know what? I didn't have a clue. I discovered this not too long ago when doctors told me that I had cancer with possibly only 6-12 months to live. A statement like that puts an altogether different perspective on things.

So, my family joined me for a weekend, more or less a love-in. A highlight of...

Monte Zucker  |  Feb 01, 2007  | 

There's no such thing as a small wedding. Every wedding is special and needs to be captured as such. I got that feeling when I photographed the wedding of Phillip and Krystle. I don't photograph many weddings anymore, but these people were special. The groom was the brother of my assistant, Jeff.

Even though there were going to be less than 10 people at the...

Monte Zucker  |  Nov 01, 2002  | 

My story begins as I was taking my sunrise walk around the top deck of the Imagination. We were visiting Key West on our first stop. I got up early enough to catch the first light of dawn. It was a golden glow that I will remember for the rest of my life. Why?

Monte Zucker  |  Mar 01, 2006  | 

Eddie Tapp, my personal Photoshop guru/teacher, and I joined together to teach portraiture and wedding photography in Hollywood, Florida, for our first annual class. I've been studying Photoshop with Eddie for years, but had never taught a class with him. We went from concept to completion. We did it all...created images, put them through a production routine, and...

Monte Zucker  |  Jul 01, 2003  | 

Master Class

Whether they are for your camera or for your subjects, small accessories can make a huge difference. I've always been aware of it. Recently, however, I've become so dependent on them, I don't know how I could do without them.


Monte Zucker  |  Jul 01, 2005  | 

The sun will come out tomorrow...or even tonight if you need it! Yes, you can now have your window light wherever and whenever you need it. You can turn it on 24/7! Plus, you can move the window from one side to the other if you want to turn your subject's face in the opposite direction. It's all about some new lighting being produced by Westcott (800-886-1689;

Monte Zucker  |  Sep 01, 2005  | 

Making black and white photographs in the darkroom was never as exciting as it is now on the computer. I spent many years developing my own negatives and making prints. I settled for a lot less quality then than I'm getting now from my digital images. Plus, there is absolutely no waste. If I'm not happy with the results I simply go back a few steps in Photoshop and...

Monte Zucker  |  Aug 01, 2004  | 

Use Arms, Legs, Or Whatever You Have Available
In these first two images notice how I've placed the dancer's hands on her hips, filling the space in both vertical and horizontal formats. Crop to any other dimensions? Possibly, but why? It's so easy to...

Monte Zucker  |  Mar 01, 2004  | 

There are still some people who feel that digital will never have the quality of film. They also think that anyone can take a snapshot and make something out of it in digital. They say, "But it's not the real thing! I'll never go that route!"...

Monte Zucker  |  Aug 01, 2003  | 

Master Class

My first bride was sensationally gorgeous. Her gown was incredible. Her "look" was breathtaking! I photographed her alone and with a male model in poses that were not unique to me, but mindblowing to the Russians.

Monte Zucker  |  Sep 01, 2003  | 

When we entered Red Square, itself, it was almost deserted. The weather was still cold and gloomy. It just wasn't very picturesque. Even though, I still wanted a record shot to show where I had been. I opened my 28-135mm Canon lens to its widest...

Monte Zucker  |  Oct 01, 2003  | 

When we last left Monte he was making his way through the Kremlin's incredible interior...

One of the highlights of my visit to the Kremlin was undoubtedly seeing some of Russia's greatest...

Monte Zucker  |  Jul 01, 2004  | 

It was my first class at the Palm Beach Photographic Centre in Delray Beach, Florida. The Centre and I had known about each other for years, but never really connected. I had heard that this was a happening place. Wow, that's putting it mildly! This...

Monte Zucker  |  May 01, 2004  | 

It doesn't take me long to pack when I get invited to teach a class in an area that I'm anxious to visit. In my rush I did forget to pack my socks, however. But I had my cameras, a few lenses, a tripod, lots of memory cards, and my passport.
