Press Release  |  Oct 18, 2013  |  0 comments
Designed for creativity, the new Intuos®tablet line addresses a wider customer base with choices to fit the creative input needs of virtually every artist, designer and photographer. From hobbyist or enthusiast to the seasoned professional, there’s an Intuos tablet to help guide digital content creation. Some of the Intuos’ new ergonomic and technical features include a slimmer design, improved multi-touch functions and wireless capabilities.
Press Release  |  Oct 17, 2013  |  0 comments
Adorama recently launched its brand new photography diffusion and accessories line, Glow by Flashpoint. Adorama’s brand new line of professional studio and on-location lighting modifiers employs advanced technology designed to create perfect editorial and product still life images. Glow by Flashpoint offers softboxes (more info) in varying shapes and sizes, including the Grand Softbox in two different sizes, and unique HexaPop products (more info), which combine the flattering diffusion of a softbox with the soft focused light from the reflective, curved surface of an umbrella. All Glow lighting accessories are completely heat resistant and are designed with superior construction and materials, including a super-strength, silver, gridded fabric lining the interior surfaces of the box that adds a crisp quality to the output. Made in Korea, these new lighting accessories from Adorama are available now exclusively in the Adorama store, located at 42 West 18th Street in New York City, and online at at highly competitive prices.
Press Release  |  Oct 16, 2013  |  0 comments
LPA Design, manufacturers of PocketWizard Photo Products, announced the immediate availability of the new hot shoe to miniphone cable (HSFM3). This three-foot cable, which has a basic (non-TTL) hot shoe on one end and a mono miniphone connector on the other, allows photographers to slide any speedlight style flash into the shoe to avoid using the sometimes unreliable or missing PC port. The miniphone end plugs into either a Plus® radio (PlusX, Plus III, Plus II or Plus Receivers), MultiMAX Transceiver orFlexTT5 Transceiver. With another PocketWizard radio on the camera, photographers now have the most reliable triggering setup possible.
Joe Farace  |  Oct 15, 2013  |  First Published: Sep 01, 2013  |  0 comments

Mary and I have fond memories of using early generation Bowens monolights; they were our first really “good” lighting system when we set up our studio in 1982. We loved shooting with those big, black, paint-can-shaped 800B monolights because they were inexpensive, dependable, and powerful. From what I can tell from my tests of their two-light Gemini 400Rx Kit that continues to be the case.

Blaine Harrington  |  Oct 15, 2013  |  First Published: Sep 01, 2013  |  1 comments

I learned photography in the film days, and when the huge change to digital came along, I changed not only my gear but the way I see. I used to have to see in terms of very specific criteria of what would work within the ISO range of my film and what the film could record in terms of light and shadow. Low ISOs meant I couldn’t get enough depth of field, or a tripod was needed, or I had to light something because there wasn’t enough information in pictures that had incredible shadow detail. High ISOs often meant an unacceptable level of grain and bad color rendition. As a result I passed up a lot of situations that got my attention but were beyond the capability of my film to capture.

Press Release  |  Oct 15, 2013  |  0 comments
Rick Sammon has a new iPhone and iPad app that will help you find the best light for the best pictures - day and night. It's called Rick Sammon's Photo Sundial and is on sale for $2.99. The app not only shows the sun's position and where shadows will fall, but it also displays the phases of the moon, a five-day weather forecast, a sun compass, a shadows meter and 25 of Rick's favorite sunrise/sunset images with tips.
Press Release  |  Oct 14, 2013  |  0 comments
The versatile new Sony α NEX-5T compact system camera combines a stylish, ultra-compact design and the creative capabilities of interchangeable lenses with large-sensor image quality, speedy Auto Focus (AF) and the convenience of NFC (Near Field Communication) one-touch for easier Wi-Fi connectivity.
Steve Bedell  |  Oct 11, 2013  |  First Published: Sep 01, 2013  |  0 comments

“Look Ma, no cords!” That’s right; the Priolite does not have a power cord. It is run strictly off battery power. Each unit has its own interchangeable and removable battery, plus a built-in receiver to work with a Priolite transmitter. And, unlike most monolights, it has a usable modeling light even on battery power.

Joe Farace  |  Oct 11, 2013  |  First Published: Sep 01, 2013  |  0 comments
Here are a few ABCs of web design to keep in mind when working on your site. A) Add something new each week. This is doubly important for blogs because search engines look for regular activity; the more and regular activity there is, the higher it will move the site in rankings when people look for photographers. B) Bigger is not necessarily better. Large file sizes cause a page to load slowly and, as I mentioned before in this column, the longer it takes, the more likely a person visiting the site will bail. Big file sizes also means it takes longer for a search engine spider to crawl your site. C) Colors should be simple, avoiding a strong graphic or photographic background. What works in print doesn’t always look good on a backlit monitor. A site’s focus should be on your photographs, not its design.<
Press Release  |  Oct 11, 2013  |  0 comments
SpinLight 360® has announced the release of the new 20 Gel Collection and Light Modifier. The SpinLight 360® Gel Collection offers an exciting ‘twist’ to the company’s existing SpinLight 360 Modular System. Included in the new Gel Collection are 5 color correction gels, 15 color effect gels and a unique, multi-functional storage case. All gels are made from high quality, industry-standard LEE filters and each gel is individually labeled with its name and f-stop loss for ease-of-use and reference. All the gels (and more) can be stored in the case provided.
