Ron Leach  |  Aug 08, 2024

There are two main reasons that some photographers hesitate to give indoor boudoir photography a try, one being the misconception that complicated (and expensive) lighting equipment is required.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 08, 2024

Sunrise photography presents several challenges, the first of which is getting up early enough to arrive on location before the sun peaks above the horizon. You also need to understand how to deal with rapidly changing light, key camera settings and  techniques, along with the proper gear to use for optimum results.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 07, 2024

Have you ever looked at one of your landscape photographs and thought to yourself, "I wish I would have captured this image in monochrome?" Well, all is not lost as you'll see in this tutorial from the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel that demonstrates how easy it is to convert a color image to b&w and enhance it in Lightroom for maximum effect.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 07, 2024

This tutorial begins with an important question for those of you who shoot in the field: "Do you have a problem dealing with situations where it doesn't matter what you do and your photos still have blown-out highlights or darks crushed into black with absolutely no detail? If so, this tutorial from Canadian pro Simon d'Entremont is just what you need.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 07, 2024

Is Lightroom's Tone Curve panel part of your everyday workflow? If not, you're missing out on a very versatile tool that's useful for enhancing just about any photo you capture. The video below will get you up to speed with a quick primer from "digital-imaging evangelist" Julienne Kost.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 06, 2024

Photos with a captivating sense of motion blur can be created in two ways: in the camera or during the image-editing process. This tutorial from instructor Pablo Garcia demonstrates how to combine both techniques to achieve the best possible results.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 06, 2024

This eye-opening tutorial explains why you should ignore the conventional wisdom regarding so-called drawbacks to using UV filters on your lenses. Instructor Mark Wiemels backs up his advice with tragic mishap that cost him thousands to replace a damaged lens.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 05, 2024

Early last month we featured a Lightroom tutorial explaining eight methods for adjusting image contrast and why some photographers may be taking the wrong approach for the specific task at hand. We're following that up today by explaining three types of contrast to look for when shooting in field,

Ron Leach  |  Aug 05, 2024

Infrared photography is a popular method of transforming ordinary scenes into images with a unique, otherworldly look. Some photographers pursue this technique by paying to have one of their camera converted to infrared, while others purchase an IR lens filter to mimic the effect.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 05, 2024

This is an ideal time of year for capturing macro photos because insects, small reptiles, flowers, and other small subjects are just about everywhere you look. But what happens when you're strolling through a park or walking in the neighborhood and the only camera you have is the iPhone in your pocket?
