Book Reviews

The Photographer's Travel Guide

The Photographer's Travel Guide; by William Manning; Writer's Digest Books, 4700 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236; soft cover; 160 pages; $27.99; (ISBN 1-58297-132-3)
Now that you have a firm grasp on the art of photography it's time to put that wealth of knowledge to the test and take some pictures. The only problem is where to find the best locations to accomplish this task. This guide will reveal those well kept secrets and you'll be capturing some amazing images that are certain to inspire and challenge even the best photographer. The untainted beauty of the Canadian Rockies, Arizona canyons, and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park provide endless opportunities to satisfy the artist in you. There is no shortage of wonders to behold, so grab a copy of this book and set out on your own adventure.

Landscapes: Camera Craft; by William Cheung; Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016; soft cover; 128 pages; $24.95; (ISBN 2-88479-006-3)
If you find yourself developing a taste for nature photography then Sterling Publishing Company has a book that will get you started in style. This title contains a choice selection of professional quality tips on producing amazing images that capture the very essence of the great outdoors. Cheung provides a wide variety of sample photographs and information that even includes a list of equipment used for each shot, along with notes on composition, helpful camera tips, and techniques. All of these factors successfully combine to create a highly interesting and educational book that you simply can't do without.

Complete Digital Photography: Second Edition; by Ben Long; Charles River Media, 20 Downer Avenue, Unit 3, Hingham, MA 02043; soft cover; 510 pages; $39.95; (ISBN 1-58450-231-2)
If you would like to test the boundaries of photography and explore the new frontiers that only digital can offer, then this guide is exactly what you need. Complete Digital Photography provides plenty of updated information that will teach you plenty of professional quality digital techniques with speed and ease. The book is overflowing with helpful tips on everything from cameras and computers to software and traditional photographic skills but an added bonus is the Win/Mac CD ROM that contains lessons on noise reduction, color correction and cloning. It's all presented in a simple to follow format with plenty of sample images and dialog boxes that make learning a breeze.