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Ron Leach  |  Nov 26, 2024  | 

Do you want to give boudoir photography a try but don't know where to start? If so, this three-minute beginners guide from the Patrick's Boudoir YouTube channel will set you on the path for success. And if you've ever made conventional full-body portrait you're already halfway there.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 26, 2024  | 

Some photographers jump through a lot of image-editing hoops to replace boing skies that degrade the impact of landscape photos and other images shot outdoors. But some of us prefer the more natural approach of enhancing a sky rather than replacing it, and that's what you'll learn how to do in this easy Lightroom tutorial from the popular PHLOG Photograph YouTube channel.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 25, 2024  | 

We all faced a barrage of so-called "photography rules" when first starting out, and one of the most enduring for outdoor shooters is the familiar Rule of Thirds. This is a compositional guideline that involves dividing an image into nine equal parts and placing the subject where two of the vertical and horizontal lines intersect.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 25, 2024  | 

We're all at the mercy of Mother Nature when shooting outdoors, and sometimes this means missing a great shot because of a featureless white sky that spoils would have been a very compelling image. Today's quick Lightroom tutorial will convince you to keep shooting the next

Ron Leach  |  Nov 25, 2024  | 

One difference between a good landscape image and a great one is the depth and dimension conveyed throughout the frame, and this is particularly true with thoughtfully composed photos that include a compelling foreground element, an interesting midrange, and an eye-grabbing background.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 22, 2024  | 

Midtone contrast is often a key ingredient for making impactful outdoor photos, but the technique is often overlooked by inexperienced shooters. As one successful pro likes to say, "it's the secret sauce that makes many images feel more lifelike" and jump off the screen.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 21, 2024  | 

Nighttime can be the right time for capturing impressive outdoor photographs, when boring scenes often take on a magical appearance. But there's a challenge to overcome as the light dims, because so do the colors in a shot.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 21, 2024  | 

Like it or not we live in an era where camera manufactures compete with each other for how much resolution their products offer. But there's a big difference between what you want and what you really need. That's why, budget notwithstanding, it's time to ask yourself how many megapixels are necessary for your style of photography.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 20, 2024  | 

What if an experienced pro told you that one simple shooting technique can instantly improve every image you capture in the great outdoors? This may sound implausible, at least until you watch the following video from the Gary W YouTube channel.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 20, 2024  | 

Shooting great outdoor photographs in perfect light is often quite simple, enabling us to capture impressive images that require a minimum of post processing. Unfortunately, things get far more challenging under less favorable conditions as you'll see in this quick tutorial from the Photography with Rich YouTube channel.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 19, 2024  | 

We're always on the lookout for straightforward tutorials that will inspire Shutterbug readers to try something new and expand their skills. If you've never experimented with high-contrast b&w photography, this video from instructor Peter Forsgard is guaranteed to add a new arrow in your quiver.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 19, 2024  | 

If there's one camera variable that doesn't fit into the set-it-and-forget-it category it's the ISO you select for every scene you confront. Choose wisely and you're on the road to success, but an incorrect pick can severely compromise the quality of a photo.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 18, 2024  | 

Are you a new Photoshop user who feels overwhelmed by the apparent complexity of everything this comprehensive software can do? This is a common occurrence for anyone starting out, and today we'll simplify matters and eliminate much of the confusion so that you'll be able to proceed with confidence.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 18, 2024  | 

Friends or mentors have likely broached the concept of "low key photography," but you're uncertain what the term really means or how to capture images with a dramatic look that can be easily achieved if you know a few basic tricks. This straightforward primer discusses everything you need to know for getting the job done with simple gear.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 18, 2024  | 

We've covered a bunch of post-processing color matching techniques, some easier or more effective than others. Today we'll take a deep dive into  a powerful and often-ignored method that Photoshop users of all skill levels should understand.
