Ron Leach

Ron Leach  |  Jun 06, 2024  |  0 comments

If you're looking for a secret ingredient to boost the impact of outdoor photos, concentrating on textures is a great way to go. That's the topic of this tutorial from the Viewfinder Mastery YouTube channel, an international community of photographers who exchange proven techniques that deliver superior results.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 06, 2024  |  0 comments

Most of us have the skills to capture beautiful photos of family members, be they our spouse, kids, grandkids, or other members of the clan. And because you're a photographer it's a good bet that your friends may ask you to do that for them too—even if portraiture isn't your thing.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 05, 2024  |  0 comments

Choosing the proper aperture setting is a fundamental aspect of all genres of photography, especially when shooting landscapes with both near and far elements in the scene. The f/stop in use has a major impact on depth of field, which is why many outdoor photographers prefer leaving their Mode dial set to Aperture Priority.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 05, 2024  |  0 comments

Converging vertical lines can spoil all sorts of photos, whether you're shooting in the city or out in the field. The problem occurs when it's necessary to point the camera upward to include the top of tall objects in the frame.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 04, 2024  |  0 comments

Expansive vistas often include a variety of tonal values that can make it difficult to nail exposure and get colors correct in the camera. This tutorial from the popular PHLOG Photography You Tube channel illustrates how to use Target Adjustments to achieve proper balance throughout the frame without merging multiple shots and time-consuming image-stacking techniques.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 04, 2024  |  0 comments

There are two primary reasons that some photographers avoid supplemental light when shooting outdoors. One is that they simply prefer the look of natural light imagery—and in most cases we tend to agree. On the other hand, there are those who refuse to use even the most basic speedlight because they don’t understand how it works.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 04, 2024  |  0 comments

It's easy to become overwhelmed when editing photos in Lightroom because there are virtually endless tools and features one can employ. This beginners guide is designed to simplify your workflow with a trio of basic methods you can put to work now.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 03, 2024  |  0 comments

Golden Hour is widely recognized as the best time to shoot landscapes, seascapes, and many other types of outdoor scenes. In this six-minute tutorial you'll learn how an experienced photojournalist approaches the challenge and captures unique images that stand out from the crowd.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 03, 2024  |  0 comments

If you're unfamiliar with the term "Smart Objects" here's a definition paraphrased from the experts at Adobe: They're a type of "container" that holds multiple layers, that enable you to apply a variety of characteristics to an image with different tools and features.

Ron Leach  |  May 31, 2024  |  1 comments

Floral photography is a fun and accessible genre this time of year because there are beautiful blooms just about everywhere you look—at a local park or nature center, and even in the comfort of your own backyard. Best yet, you don't need fancy equipment or advanced skills.
