Ron Leach  |  May 23, 2024  |  0 comments

We often turn to the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel for their latest tutorials that explain how to process landscape images for unique and compelling effects. Today's episode from one of our favorite image-editing instructors demonstrates how to transform dull images by creating an awe-inspiring sunrise look in Lightroom Classic.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 22, 2024  |  0 comments

Fujifilm announced new products in both the FX and GFX series, doubling down on their commitment to Film Simulation expansion and large-sensor digital photography.

Ron Leach  |  May 21, 2024  |  0 comments

The Tone Curve is one of the most powerful tools in the post processing arsenal and it's super-easy to use. Yet it enables you to make the most of just about any image you shoot indoors or out.

Ron Leach  |  May 21, 2024  |  0 comments

If you're just getting started with bird photography or want to elevate your skills, this helpful tutorial is just what you need—especially if you don't have a park, nature preserve, or other appropriate location close to home.

Ron Leach  |  May 21, 2024  |  0 comments

Split Toning is a powerful post-processing technique that's available in,Lightroom and other image editing apps. This method is easy enough for users of all skill levels, and it's a great way to transform boring photos into images with unique color.

Ron Leach  |  May 20, 2024  |  0 comments

In a never-ending search for the "perfect light," many photographers ignore the beauty and simplicity of shooting in open shade. Not only does this method provide soft, even illumination, but this straightforward technique avoids the encumbrance of costly and ungainly lighting gear and accessories.

Ron Leach  |  May 20, 2024  |  0 comments

If you're an inexperienced Photoshop user and a bit confused by everything the powerful software has to offer, today's quick tutorial from the Creative Layers YouTube channel is just what you need. In barely six minutes you'll learn five simple tips and shortcuts that will take your editing skills to the next level.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 17, 2024  |  0 comments

A 100mm f/2.8 full-frame lens that produces bokeh that looks like soap bubbles? Sign us up! But does the bokeh really look like suds?

Ron Leach  |  May 17, 2024  |  0 comments

Sooner or later all photographers confront a frustrating disparity between how the colors of an image appeared through the viewfinder or on a camera's rear LCD in the field, and what they look like on the computer screen. Unfortunately, when this happens it's typically the computer representation that tends to be inferior.

Ron Leach  |  May 17, 2024  |  0 comments

Last week we featured a beginners guide to boudoir photography from an acclaimed pro who demonstrated how to capture sensuous images without flash by using window light as the primary source of illumination. Today Yuliya Panchenko is back with another eye-opening tutorial that delivers extremely dramatic effects
