Book Reviews

Ellis Island: Ghosts Of Freedom; by Stephen Wilkes; W.W. Norton & Company Inc., 144 pages; $75; (ISBN-10: 0-393-06145-0)
In 1998, fine art and commercial photographer Stephen Wilkes embarked upon a fascinating and personal journey through an important chapter in America's history. In 2003 the task was completed and the result is the beautiful collection of images found in this book. His 5 year project documents the current state of Ellis Island as forgotten sections of the complex quietly fade into the landscape. The artifacts left behind reflect the stories of the people who once walked these halls waiting for their chance to become part of the American dream.

Master Posing Guide For Children's Portrait Photography; by Norman Phillips; Amherst Media, 128 pages; $34.95; (ISBN 1-58428-191-X )
Capturing the perfect portrait of babies, toddlers, and teens is as rewarding as it is difficult. This guide from Norman Phillips offers cutting-edge advice on how to over-come these unique difficulties by using the appropriate props and techniques for both outdoor and studio shots. He uses 305 sample color images ranging from formal to casual as well as portraits and group shots to illustrate each lesson making it simple to duplicate the results. Phillips makes it easy to capture those precious childhood moments on film to create an image that your clients will cherish for years to come.

Rangefinder's Professional Photography: Techniques And Images From The Pages Of Rangefinder Magazine; Edited by Bill Hurter; Amherst Media, 128 pages; $34.95; (ISBN-:13 978-1-58428-193-1)
Have you ever wondered how the stylish images that appear in magazines are created? Bill Hurter, the Editor of Rangefinder magazine, can answer those questions easily. He crafted this helpful guide using a collection of 130 color images that once graced the pages of his publication and paired them with plenty of top quality tips on how to improve your own work. The sample images are from nearly 100 photographers who include Monte Zucker, Tony Sweet, and Gigi Clark. They provide advice on spicing up your wedding and portrait photography with stunning results.